Become an Affiliate

Here you can find information on how to become a member of Corpohass.

Check requirements

How to become a member?

What are the benefits of being a member?

What you can see

  1. Discounts, special services and benefits with our allies.
  2. Training plan according to your needs.
  3. Discounts and benefits for events and Territorio Aguacate.
  4. Management of official information of our sector.
  5. Bulk purchase program.
  6. Alliances with the Social Security System.
  7. Projects: phytosanitary, certifications and admissibility.
  8. Increased export land and availability in more markets.
  9. Information and analysis for decision making.
  10. Sustainability consulting: social, environmental and economic.

The intangible

  1. Discounts, special services and benefits with our allies.
  2. Training plan according to your needs.
  3. Discounts and benefits for events and Territorio Aguacate.
  4. Management of official information of our sector.
  5. Bulk purchase program.
  6. Alliances with the Social Security System.
  7. Projects: phytosanitary, certifications and admissibility.
  8. Increased export land and availability in more markets.
  9. Information and analysis for decision making.
  10. Sustainability consulting: social, environmental and economic.

Requirements to join

1. Letter of application for admission. You can find it here.

2. Authorization for the processing of personal data. Download it here.

3. Affiliate Commitment Letter. Download it here.

4. Application for membership. You can download this document here.

5. Scanned RUT or ID card, in case you are a natural person.

6. Contact information: name, e-mail, cell phone number, etc.

7. Presentation of the natural or legal person: please specify a historical review, number of hectares and jobs generated, markets, production, age of trees, countries to which it exports, certifications.

8. Two letters of reference from active Corpohass Affiliates, or two letters of commercial recommendation (from a supplier or ally).

9. Citizenship card of the Legal Representative.

10. Document of existence and legal representation, not older than three months.

11. Letter of commitment to comply with the bylaws and the Corpohass policy manual.

12. Certified shareholder composition. If there are legal entities as partners, include them with their NIT.

13. Registration to the Hass Map (RenHass). Here you complete it.

14. Favorable opinion of the company in charge of the safety study of your company, the Legal Representative and partners or shareholders.

Sending of documents

Attach the requested information to our email:

[email protected]